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15052179967 | 2023-07-12 14:07:29    阅读:89   发布文章


Abstract: The transparency and intelligence of user-side energy use is the inevitable trend of current energy use management.The intelligent instrument is designed and installed for the main energy consumption nodes on the user side, and then the working state of each energy consumption loop is monitored in real time through the background system.And measure each circuit of electricity consumption, water consumption, gas consumption.Through the real-time monitoring of energy consumption and related power parameters, improve the safety, reliability and maintenance efficiency of energy consumption, reduce the maintenance labor cost, and realize the unattended monitoring of distribution system.Through the real-time monitoring of energy consumption, data collection and storage, the operation state of power supply and distribution system is defined, and the data basis is provided for users to save power maintenance costs and reasonable property charges. This article briefly introduces the AMC96L-E4/KC power meter used in Indonesia water treatment plant project.

1.项目概述  Project Overview

印尼水处理工厂配电室采用SCADA系统,客户利用安科瑞面板表AMC的RS485通讯功能,通过转换器的Modbus TCP连接到SCADA系统,将采集到的电参量信息实时反馈到系统,配合用户合理的对工厂用电进行监测和管理。

SCADA system is adopted in the power distribution room of the Indonesian water treatment plant. Customers connect to the SCADA system through the Modbus TCP of the converter using the RS485 communication function of the AMC panel meter from Acrel. The collected electrical parameter information is fed back to the system in real time to cooperate with users to effectively monitor and manage the power consumption of the plant.

2.功能 Function

3.技术参数Technical Features

4.组网拓扑图 Network Topology

5.安装图片Installation Picture

6.总结  Summary

AMC 系列智能电量采集监控装置,是针对电力系统、工矿企业、公用设施、智能大厦的电力监控需求而设 计的智能仪表,它集成电力参数的测量以及电能监测和考核管理。同时它具有多种外围接口功能可供用户选择:带有 RS485 通讯接口, 采用 MODBUS-RTU 协议可满足通讯联网管理的需要;4-20mA 的模拟量输出可与测量的电参量相对应,满足 DCS 等接口要求;带开关量输入和继电器输出可实现断路器开关的“遥信”和“遥控”的功能。采用高亮度 LED/LCD 显示界面,通过按键来实现参数设置和控制,非常适用于实时电力监控系统。可以直接取代常规电力变送器 及测量仪表。作为一种智能化、数字化的前端采集元件,该仪表已广泛应用于各种控制系统、SCADA 系统和能 源管理系统中。

安科瑞 缪阳扬

